Canada Border Niagara Falls

The governments of Canada and the United States decided that the border will remain closed to non-essential travel. This measure has been regularly extended due to how the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. To expand, non-essential travel includes vacationing, shopping, visiting families, attending social gatherings, etc.


There is an Emergency Order in place under the Quarantine Act  for the purpose to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. It applies to all travellers that arrive in Canada. People that fail to comply with the order are considered to have committed an offence under the Quarantine Act.

Persons that are exempt from the travel restrictions and that arrive in Canada must do mandatory quarantine for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms. They must have a plan to comply with this order.

Considering this, there are penalties for those that violate the instructions given:

  • 6 months in prison and/or
  • $750,000 in fines

Further, persons that cause a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm by contravening the Quarantine Act or regulations could face:

    • a fine of up to $1,000,000 or
    • imprisonment of up to 3 years or
    • both